What To Expect


If this is your first time visiting Emmanuel, we recommend that you arrive about 10 minutes early.  This will give you time to find your seat and prepare for worship.  Preparing for worship isn’t anything specific; some pray, some read the bulletin, while others just sit and enjoy the beauty of the church.

If you have any questions at all prior to the start of the service, there are several people available to help you.

  • The greeters are some of the first people that you will meet.  They’re the ones who will hand you a bulletin and welcome you.  If they can’t answer your questions, they’ll get an elder to help you.
  • Each week we have one elder who assists the pastor with the service.  The elder can usually be found standing in the back of the worship space (what’s called the “sanctuary”) talking, greeting people, or telling the pastor that it’s time to start.  If it is a Sunday in which we are celebrating Holy Communion you are requested to speak to the elder or the pastor prior to the start of the service .
  • You can usually find the pastor in the back of the sanctuary as well, although he’ll move up front a few minutes before the start of service.
  • You can also ask any member of Emmanuel for help, and they will be glad to help you out.  We’re a loving and friendly congregation and would be honored to give you whatever assistance you need.

The Divine Service:

Sunday services begin promptly at 10:00 am (Sept-May) or 9:00 am (June-Aug) with the ringing of the bell.  When the bell rings, people find their seats and conversations begin to draw to a close.

The service is pretty straightforward and generally lasts no more than an hour.  Sometimes we go over a little bit on special occasions, but you’ll find that you don’t mind.

Our worship services are traditional services.  This means that we sing hymns that are accompanied by an organ.  Our order of service (the “liturgy”) has some variation, but overall it’s consistent from Sunday to Sunday.  This consistency enables the youngest members to learn the liturgy so they can take part and allows all members to focus on what is being said rather than learning something new.

At the conclusion of the service, you will be ushered out by the elder and the pastor will greet you as you leave (and of course invite you to stay for a time of fellowship when we eat and drink coffee).


Emmanuel welcomes you just as you are.  Some members wear suits or dresses, while others dress casually.  We’re not concerned with what you wear as long as you’re comfortable (and dressed).

Some Special Notes:

Every Sunday, following the sermon, an offering is taken.  Offerings are gifts that we give to God in thanks for all that He has given us.  Offerings are used to support the church as well as the various missions we support as a congregation.  As a guest of Emmanuel please do not feel pressured or obligated to give an offering.

During the collection of the offering, you will have an opportunity to fill out the “Friendship Pad” found at the end of the pew or passed down to you.  This is a chance for you to share your name with us and also a place to put your phone number, address, or e-mail address if you wish to have the pastor contact you or have information sent to you.   You may also put prayer requests on this form.

The important thing to remember is that you are welcome at Emmanuel!  We want everyone to know what Jesus has done for them and for them to draw closer to God.  Join us and you’ll find a wonderful, caring congregation and a God who loves you more than you realize.